
Ensto (Norway) put its hands on the first copy of Cable Winch 2104

A month ago, it was something of a milestone for us when we had the release of our new electric and emission-free Cable Winch 2104. This happened in connection with the inauguration of The Park in Holsljunga where Ensto (Norway) signed up on the first copy. Now – a couple of weeks later – the […]

Historic day in the park when Telade Lda and HEP Industrie came to visit

One of the reasons for investing in the Park was the opportunity to train our resellers in our products and working methods. Yesterday, the first reseller event was held when Telade Lda (Portugal) and HEP Industries (France) came to Sweden and Holsljunga. It was kind of a historic day in the Park when the first […]

New distributor for Portugal

Telade Eletricidade e Telecomunicações Lda. – New distributor for Portugal.

Visiting resellers in Spain and Portugal

Our Export manager Rickard Mårtensson travels around Spain and Portugal to meet and develop cooperations with existing and potential resellers.